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什么是DNP学位? 想要晋升的护士需要知道的信息

医疗保健正在不断发展和变化. 随着行业的发展, nurses play a critical role in advancing the quality and safety of patient care. Healthcare needs more nurses to be leaders who can spur positive transformation in their organizations and communities.

Demand for advanced nursing roles like Nurse Practitioners is rapidly accelerating, 预计到2029年将增长45%. 对医疗卫生服务经理的需求也很高 预计到2029年增长32%. Both of these roles present clinical and leadership opportunities for qualified nurses looking to advance their careers.

One way to advance to these leadership roles is to earn a DNP, or Doctor of Nursing Practice, degree. We’re here to help provide an overview of this degree and the benefits of earning a DNP.

获得一个免费的指导来帮助你提升你的职业生涯, 提供护理专家的有益建议和深思熟虑的见解.



DNP是博士级别的学位. The DNP is designed to help registered nurses who hold a Master of Science (MSN) 在护理 or a Bachelor of Science 在护理 (BSN) attain the highest level of education and advance their careers.

DNP课程侧重于循证实践和质量改进. 通过结合这两个重点, nurses who pursue their DNP are prepared to intentionally improve health and wellness outcomes for individuals, 社区和整个人口.


  • DNP基础: 介绍DNP作为医疗保健变革推动者的作用. 在本课程中发展的技能包括在实践中发现差距, conducting a needs assessment and describing the scope and significance of the problem. 
  • 循证实践与质量改进: This course of study focuses on advanced nursing practice as a form of inquiry, 集成, 以及证据在实践中的应用. You will learn to read and synthesize research—as well as use technology and information systems—to evaluate and implement evidence-based practice methods.
  • 临床预防和保健结果: 本课程教你如何评估, 设计和实施基于证据的高质量医疗保健实践. The goal of this course is to give you the tools to define desired outcomes and measure success using data.
  • 领导下,政策 & Interprofessional合作: You will learn principles of advanced leadership in the context of complex healthcare systems. 获得的技能包括变更管理, 发展高效团队,提高护理质量和安全性.

有资格参加DNP计划, a nurse must have completed a Bachelor of Science 在护理 (BSN) or a Master of Science 在护理 (MSN). 不像其他高级学位, those holding a BSN may advance directly to a DNP without completing a master’s degree. 如果你有一个RN, 但这两个学位都不是, 你可以攻读RN到MSN的课程, 然后完成DNP.


取决于你选择的大学, DNP计划可能提供不同的浓度或研究轨道. 

mg不朽情缘游戏网址, 例如, 你可以在两个不同的护理实践博士课程中选择 家庭护士执业方向 或者是 领导集中.

家庭护理专业的DNP 重点推进患者的临床护理在初级保健设置. 这种专注可能适合你,如果:

  • You’re passionate about using research to put evidence-based care into practice in a family medicine setting.
  • You want to develop direct relationships with patients and maintain consistency of care.
  • 你想经营或成为初级保健诊所的合伙人.

领导力集中的DNP 准备在临床或非临床医疗保健管理高级角色. 在这种浓度下, 您将进一步专攻以下三个领域之一:医疗保健管理, 健康信息学或公共管理. 这种专注可能适合你,如果:

  • You aspire to work at executive leadership levels in a healthcare organization.
  • You’re interested in the business-side of healthcare and how it impacts patient outcomes.
  • 你想在间接或非临床环境中工作, 比如政府机构或非营利组织, 影响医疗政策.

无论你选择哪条路, you will be prepared with the knowledge and skills to be a leader and changemaker in improving quality and safety of patient care.


获得DNP是一个严格的追求,但它也可以是非常有益的. 如果你在质疑这条路是否适合你, 考虑一下获得DNP学位的以下好处.

  • Getting a DNP may become the standard for advanced practice nurses in the future. In 2018, The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) made a statement committing to move all entry-level nurse practitioner (NP) education to the DNP degree by 2025. Getting a DNP now can help future-proof your career and put you ahead of the curve of changing standards of education.
  • 你可以帮助缩小研究和临床实践之间的差距. 正如 医疗保健研究和质量机构, it takes an average of 17 years for new medical evidence to be incorporated into clinical practice. A DNP degree trains you to read and synthesize research so you can implement evidence-based care in your interventions and treatment plans sooner. 
  • 你将学会在系统层面上思考、计划和管理护理. A DNP program will train you to look at not only the health of an individual, 还有他们的家人, 社区和整个社会. 你是否想晋升到管理层, 开始你自己的练习, 或者影响公共政策, a DNP gives you the tools to elevate your thinking and make changes at the systems level.
  • 适应护士和医疗保健不断变化的需求. 医疗保健服务不断发展. 从新技术到新法规, the healthcare industry needs innovative leaders who can improve patient outcomes while navigating the realities of a changing healthcare system. A DNP helps you diversify your knowledge and gain tools to help the field evolve f或者是 betterment of safe, 高效、高价值的护理.
  • Work at new levels or areas of healthcare for which you weren’t qualified before. A DNP can open the doors to work at the most advanced levels of the healthcare industry. DNP向雇主表明你致力于最高标准的护理, while also showing you have the research knowledge and business acumen to advance their organization.


A DNP is a great option for nursing professionals who want to improve the quality and safety of patient care—from individuals to entire populations. 如果你对攻读这个学位感兴趣, 你需要找到一个能满足你独特需求的项目.

mg不朽情缘游戏网址护理实践博士学位 帮助在职护理专业人员按照他们的时间表推进他们的教育. You get the flexibility of completely online courses and the hands-on experience of built-in practicum. 你可以在短短3年内完成你的学位, 有机会转学分和实习学分. 

看看mg不朽情缘游戏网址的 两个DNP学位选择 能让你的事业更上一层楼.

Find out how to take your nursing career further with advice from real nursing professionals.