Reserve Education Assistance Program

Reserve Education Assistance Program (REAP) – Chapter 1607

REAP was established as a part of the Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005. It is a Department of Defense education benefit program designed to provide educational assistance to members of the Reserve components called or ordered to active duty in response to a war or national emergency (contingency operation) as declared by the president or Congress.

OMVA Office Information


This program makes certain reservists who were activated for at least 90 days after Sept. 11, 2001 either eligible for education benefits or eligible for increased benefits.
Effective November 2015, REAP has been sunset by the VA. 在这个转变过程中, some students that used REAP in FALL/2015 were still be eligible to continue to use the CH 1607 benefit. 然而, now the VA is determining the eligibility of CH 33 Post 9/11 benefits and in most cases ending any remaining REAP/CH 1607 entitlements. 
You should call 1-888-GIBILL1 to speak with a VA representative to learn more about your specific benefits.  


1. 完成 Application for Benefits (22-1990) form on the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. Or see step 2 if you have ever used VA educational benefits at another school.

  • Following the successful processing of your benefits application, the VA will issue a Certificate of Eligibility to you by mail. The VA will not send this to the school; it is your responsibility to send a copy of this to OMVA at Franklin upon receipt.
  • 美国.S. Department of Veteran Affairs currently estimates that processing will require 28 calendar days. Franklin University cannot be responsible for complications or delays in benefit awards due to VA delays in application processing.

2. 完成 Change of Place or Training (22-1995) form instead of the 22-1990 if you have used your benefits at previous school.

3. Submit a Plan of Attendance (POA) each academic year in which benefits are requested.

4. Certification of Benefits

To initially set up your VA record and benefits at Franklin University, please see the following requirements.

•    Submit a copy of your certificate of eligibility (COE) or a screenshot of your e-benefit to:

Once your record is updated to show you have been approved to use VA benefits at Franklin University, you will receive an email each semester that you register for classes to inquire if you would like us to certify your enrollment and submit it to the VA. Once we receive your reply to that outreach, we will act upon the request.  After your enrollment is certified, you will receive a confirmation email from VAOnce to show your enrollment has been sent to the VA. 

5. 确认出席

  • 登录 W.A.V.E. 网站 on the last calendar day of every month to verify your enrollment.


Situations that may affect payment of VA benefits include the following:

  • Repeated or audited courses
  • Change or addition of major program
  • Add or drop in credit hours
  • Developmental education courses not applicable to degree
  • Any education course in which a grade of “Z”, “NZ”, or “W” is earned
  • Non-receipt of official transcripts from previous colleges and universities attended
  • VA培训时间

Regulations require that all such items be reported to the VA so that adjustments can be made accordingly. Failure to notify the 退伍军人 Specialist may result in overpayments or withholding of benefits.